Chapter 18 Computing: Session No. 4

18.1 Objectives

The 'computing' objective is to learn how to use R to simulate variation by (Monte Carlo) simulation. Tasks and R Functions/structures used include

  • Read a file in table format and creates a data frame from it, with cases corresponding to lines and variables to fields in the file" read.table( )

  • Compactly display the internal structure of an R object, e.g. the abbreviated contents of (possibly nested) lists: str( )

  • repeating a procedure for subsets of a dataframe: by( )

  • loops using for . See here.

  • rescaling a vector v so that it sums to 1: v = v / sum(v)

  • adding elements of a vector or (say) a product of 2 vectors, or a square of a vector: `sum( )

  • compute the mean and standard deviation of the numbers in a vector: mean() and sd( )

  • computing the mean and SD of a (population) frequency distribution from first principles using the scaled frequencies as probabilities: sum(values*probabilities)

  • extracting the first or last parts of a vector, matrix, table, or data frame: head( ) and tail( )

  • removing duplicate elements/rows from a vector, data frame or array: unique

  • plotting: plot( )

  • adding one or more straight lines through the current plot: abline( )

  • joining multiple (x,y) points with line segments: lines( )

  • Splitting data into subsets, computing summary statistics for each, and returning the result in a convenient form: aggregate

  • sampling from a set of values: sample( )

  • summing the values in a vector: sum( )

  • applying a function to each of the rows or columns of a matrix, or to some slices of higher-dimensional array: apply( )

  • computing the mean, variance and sd of a vector: mean( ), var( ), sd( )

  • defining a (homemade) function to 'automate' a procedure function

  • tabulating the values in a vector, or crosstabulating the values in 2 or more vectors: table( )

The 'statistical' objective of this exercise is to learn-by-seeing some of the laws that describe/quantify the variation (variance, SD) of the sum, and more importantly, the difference of 2 random variables. The laws are the same no matter whether the difference is in some characteristic of 2 randomly selected individuals or in some statistic (an aggregate of individual values). Since we don't get to see the individuals -- or collections of individuals -- that were nor selected, the laws are based on the theory of mathematical statistics, and thus not easy to visualize/imagine. So, we will use simulations (virtual thought experiments) to help us motivate and remember the laws, and to bring out the possibly-surprising 'reasons why' they take the form they do.

The take-home message is that if the two random quantities involved in the difference are statistically independent of each other, the possible variations in the difference are larger than the ones in each of the two components, and that Variances Add; SDs don't. The variance of a sum or difference is equal to the sum of the (variances of the) parts

In the case of all things which have several parts and in which the totality is not, as it were, a mere heap, but the whole is something besides the parts, there is a cause; for even in bodies contact is the cause of unity in some cases, and in others viscosity or some other such quality. Aristotle’s Metaphysics. Book VIII, 1045a.8–10 1908 translation by W. D. Ross:

The whole is greater than the part. Euclid, Elements, Book I, Common Notion (Euclid is expressing how a whole can be split into parts, and any one of those parts, compared to the whole, is less than the whole. And using the Segment Addition Postulate – If point P is between points A and B, then AP + PB = AB. Ipso facto, the sum of parts equal the whole.

that the whole is not the same as the sum of its parts are useful in meeting the type just described; for a man who defines in this way seems to assert that the parts are the same as the whole. The arguments are particularly appropriate in cases where the process of putting the parts together is obvious, as in a house and other things of that sort: for there, clearly, you may have the parts and yet not have the whole, so that parts and whole cannot be the same.” Aristotle. Book VI. (all of the above are from this URl.

Likewise, the SD of a sum or difference is less than the sum of the (SDs of the) parts

Although the theoretical chapter does not address the laws for sums or differences of non-independent random variables, the simulations bring out the fact that the variance of the sum/difference could be bigger or smaller than the variances of the parts: it all depends on how the components are linked.

18.2 Exercises

First, before we get to differences, an example of the sampling variability of sums and means.

The sex-specific panels below shows examples of the sums of the lengths of 10 baby names, placed side by side. (each row includes 9 blank spaces, so that doesn't change the variability: it just shifts all the sums by 9.) The fact that they are not randomly ordered, bur rather ordered by popularity, doesn't matter that much, since -- as the subsequent graph shows -- popularity is not strongly related to the length of the name. Had we randomly ordered them, we would still see the 'jagged' line endings and the same anount of variation. (Ignore for now the last column, which shows a type of sampling that is to be discouraged, or that, if used, needs post-hoc adjustment of the results).

18.2.1 Ages of UK cars

Refer to the exercise, and the dataset, in the first computing session.

  1. Using the year-of-manufacture frequency distribution you derived back then, calculate the mean year, and thus the mean age.

  2. From first principles, i.e., using devaitions from the mean year, calculate the variance -- and thus the SD -- of the distribution.

  3. Without actually converting every year-of-manufacture to an age, calculate the standard deviation of the ages.

  4. Even though the frequency distribution is not symmetric, how could the SD (or an estimate of it) be of help if you had to estimate the mean age from just a random sample of registered cars.

18.2.2 Lengths of Babies' Names

The 500 most popular baby names, Quebec, 2013-1018


ds = read.table(

## 'data.frame':    6000 obs. of  6 variables:
##  $ Name     : chr  "LEA" "EMMA" "OLIVIA" "FLORENCE" ...
##  $ Frequency: int  636 518 505 457 447 422 408 370 355 349 ...
##  $ Length   : int  3 4 6 8 5 3 7 8 5 7 ...
##  $ Year     : int  2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 ...
##  $ Gender   : chr  "F" "F" "F" "F" ...
##  $ Rank     : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
## g: F
## y: 2013
##     Name Frequency Length Year Gender Rank
## 1    LEA       636      3 2013      F    1
## 2   EMMA       518      4 2013      F    2
## 3 OLIVIA       505      6 2013      F    3
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## g: M
## y: 2013
##        Name Frequency Length Year Gender Rank
## 501 WILLIAM       848      7 2013      M    1
## 502  NATHAN       792      6 2013      M    2
## 503  SAMUEL       716      6 2013      M    3
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## g: F
## y: 2014
##        Name Frequency Length Year Gender Rank
## 1001   EMMA       580      4 2014      F    1
## 1002    LEA       579      3 2014      F    2
## 1003 OLIVIA       520      6 2014      F    3
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## g: M
## y: 2014
##         Name Frequency Length Year Gender Rank
## 1501 WILLIAM       787      7 2014      M    1
## 1502  THOMAS       742      6 2014      M    2
## 1503   FELIX       721      5 2014      M    3
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## g: F
## y: 2015
##        Name Frequency Length Year Gender Rank
## 2001   EMMA       631      4 2015      F    1
## 2002    LEA       540      3 2015      F    2
## 2003 OLIVIA       482      6 2015      F    3
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## g: M
## y: 2015
##         Name Frequency Length Year Gender Rank
## 2501 WILLIAM       767      7 2015      M    1
## 2502  THOMAS       762      6 2015      M    2
## 2503   JACOB       671      5 2015      M    3
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## g: F
## y: 2016
##        Name Frequency Length Year Gender Rank
## 3001   EMMA       643      4 2016      F    1
## 3002    LEA       517      3 2016      F    2
## 3003 OLIVIA       516      6 2016      F    3
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## g: M
## y: 2016
##         Name Frequency Length Year Gender Rank
## 3501 WILLIAM       798      7 2016      M    1
## 3502  THOMAS       701      6 2016      M    2
## 3503    LIAM       666      4 2016      M    3
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## g: F
## y: 2017
##       Name Frequency Length Year Gender Rank
## 4001  EMMA       620      4 2017      F    1
## 4002   LEA       557      3 2017      F    2
## 4003 ALICE       519      5 2017      F    3
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## g: M
## y: 2017
##         Name Frequency Length Year Gender Rank
## 4501 WILLIAM       714      7 2017      M    1
## 4502   LOGAN       675      5 2017      M    2
## 4503    LIAM       634      4 2017      M    3
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## g: F
## y: 2018
##        Name Frequency Length Year Gender Rank
## 5001   EMMA       612      4 2018      F    1
## 5002  ALICE       525      5 2018      F    2
## 5003 OLIVIA       490      6 2018      F    3
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## g: M
## y: 2018
##         Name Frequency Length Year Gender Rank
## 5501 WILLIAM       739      7 2018      M    1
## 5502   LOGAN       636      5 2018      M    2
## 5503    LIAM       629      4 2018      M    3
The closely spaced vertical lines show the frequency distributions of the popularity (ranks) of the 500 most popular names for babies born in Quebec in 2018. For example, more than 600 girls and more than 700 boys had the most popular name, while fewer than half this many babies had the 25th  most popular name. Also shown are the names themselves, arranged row-wise, starting from the most popular (1. Emma  2. Alice, .. 1. William, 2. Logan, ...). For each row, the two values shown in plain type are the sum/mean of the lengths of the 10 names in the row. The last number, in italics, is the length of 1 name selected from the row, by 'sticking a pin' (indicated by the black ^ symbol), at random in one of the letters in the row, and selecting the name that the pin landed on. The values in bold at the foot of each column are the mean and SD of the values in the column.

Figure 18.1: The closely spaced vertical lines show the frequency distributions of the popularity (ranks) of the 500 most popular names for babies born in Quebec in 2018. For example, more than 600 girls and more than 700 boys had the most popular name, while fewer than half this many babies had the 25th most popular name. Also shown are the names themselves, arranged row-wise, starting from the most popular (1. Emma 2. Alice, .. 1. William, 2. Logan, ...). For each row, the two values shown in plain type are the sum/mean of the lengths of the 10 names in the row. The last number, in italics, is the length of 1 name selected from the row, by 'sticking a pin' (indicated by the black ^ symbol), at random in one of the letters in the row, and selecting the name that the pin landed on. The values in bold at the foot of each column are the mean and SD of the values in the column.

par(mfrow=c(2,1),mar = c(5,5,0,0)) # splits graph into 2 x 1 grid

 for( g in unique(ds$Gender) ) { 

  d = ds[ds$Gender == g,]
  COL=c("red","blue")[1 + (d$Gender=="M")]

  plot(d$Length,d$Rank, pch=19, col= COL, cex=0.25,
       ylab="Rank", xlab = "Number of Letters in Name",
       ylim=c(0,570) )
  Fr = aggregate(!$Rank),by=list(Length=d$Length),sum)
  L = Fr$Length
  Fr = Fr$x
  text(min(L),550,"Cum. %",adj=c(0.5,-0.1),cex=0.75)
  for(i in 1:length(L) ) text(
         L[i], 510,
         toString( round( 100*cumsum(Fr)/3000) [i] ),
         adj = c(0.5,-0.1), cex=0.75 )
For girls (red) and boys (blue) separately, the mean ranks of names with  a given length are plotted against the length. Each dot in a column is a name. The relative densities of the dots in a column indicates how common these name lengths are.

Figure 18.2: For girls (red) and boys (blue) separately, the mean ranks of names with a given length are plotted against the length. Each dot in a column is a name. The relative densities of the dots in a column indicates how common these name lengths are.


  1. Use the Length and Frequency columns in the ds dataframe (see above) to compute the (gender-specific) mean and SD of the lengths of the names of all of the Quebec babies born in 2018 having one of these names (For our purposes here, the few percent of babies whose names did not make it into the top 500 are excluded. If interested, they can be found at the link shown above.) Hint: you could rescale the Frequency vector so that it sums to 1, and then simply use the sum of its product with Length. You can think of the rescaled Frequency vector as probabilities.

  2. Rather than do these computations separately for each year, find a way to automate this. Hint: maybe put what you did to compute the mean and SD for one year into your own function and then use this function in a by statement. For example, if all you wanted was the number of babies each year, you could just use the inbuilt function sum, and apply it to the frequencies in each year, using the statement by(ds$Frequency,ds$Year,sum).

  3. Compare your SD calculations agaist the SD[lengths of 500 names] shown at the bottom left of the red and blue panels of names, and if they are different, explain why they are.

  4. Using the SD[lengths of 500 names] values shown, explain why the 2 SD's in bold to the right of them (at the feet of the two columns) are so much bigger or smaller. Do these 2 SDs in bold 'fit' with the laws we are learning about? Explain.

  5. Use Monte Carlo simulations -- and the fact that you KNOW the gender-specific mean and SDs of the lengths of names -- to check out the theoretical formulae (laws) for the possible variation in the difference of two sample means. In other words, with \(y\) denoting the length of the name of a randomly selected baby, \(n\) the size of each sample, and \(\sigma\) denoting the unit standard deviation, and \(F\) and \(M\) denoting female and male, show -- to within Monte Carlo error -- that \[ Var[ \bar{y}_{F} - \bar{y}_{M} ] = \frac{\sigma^2_{F}}{n} + \frac{\sigma^2_{M}}{n}.\] Use '\(n\)'s of size 5, 25, 100, and 400. Use the sample function with the rescaled frequencies as probabilities, and replace = TRUE. To keep the computing simpler, limit yourself to one year. Here is some starter code. You need to modify it to extend the sample size to 400, add to the function code so that it includes samples of females, and computes the \(\bar{y_F} - \bar{y_M}\) fifference. (the results matrix has 3 columns, only 1 of which gets filled under the present code.) You should try a small value of N.SIMS first, to be sure everyting is working, and then make it large so that you approach the 'expected' values. Note: this code uses loops, which are slower, to fill the rows of the results matrix, and also samples from the list of 500, instead of from the (many fewer) distinct lengths. But for now, it is more transparent. Biostatisticians who run very complex simulations are always looking for ways (such as the apply functions ) to reduce the time.

d = ds[ds$Year == 2018,]

lengths.M  = d$Length[d$Gender == "M"]  #  500 long
probs.M  = d$Frequency[d$Gender == "M"] #  ditto
probs.M  = probs.M/sum(probs.M)         #  ditto

N.SIMS = 100

nn = c(5, 25,100)  # the n's you want to use in the 'n' loop = function(n){
  y.m = sample(lengths.M,size=n,replace=TRUE,prob=probs.M)
  ybar.m = mean(y.m)
  return( c(ybar.m))
print(noquote( paste("Across", N.SIMS, "simulated samples ...") ))
## [1] Across 100 simulated samples ...
for(n in nn){                            # loop over n
  results = matrix(NA,N.SIMS,1,3) # set up matrix
                            # 3 col.s are for ybarM, ybarF, and diff.
  for(sim in 1:N.SIMS) results[sim,1] =  # loop 
       # fills just the ybarM's
                                         # ... expand 
  E   = apply(results,MARGIN=2,FUN=mean) # (approximate)
                                         # exact if N.SIMS = Infinity
  VAR = apply(results,MARGIN=2,FUN=var)  # (approximate) 
  print(noquote(paste("n = ",n)))
    paste("Ave of F & M ybar's: and of ybarF - ybarM:", 
           paste(round(E,2),collapse=" ,  ") )  ) )
    paste("Var of ybar's: and of their differences:  ", 
           paste(round(VAR,4) ,collapse=", ") ) ) )
    paste("SD of ybar's: and of their differences:   ", 
           paste(round(sqrt(VAR),2) ,collapse=" ,  ") ) ) )  
## [1] 
## [1] n =  5
## [1] 
## [1] Ave of F & M ybar's: and of ybarF - ybarM: 5.68
## [1] 
## [1] Var of ybar's: and of their differences:   0.4809
## [1] SD of ybar's: and of their differences:    0.69
## [1] 
## [1] n =  25
## [1] 
## [1] Ave of F & M ybar's: and of ybarF - ybarM: 5.74
## [1] 
## [1] Var of ybar's: and of their differences:   0.0743
## [1] SD of ybar's: and of their differences:    0.27
## [1] 
## [1] n =  100
## [1] 
## [1] Ave of F & M ybar's: and of ybarF - ybarM: 5.69
## [1] 
## [1] Var of ybar's: and of their differences:   0.0192
## [1] SD of ybar's: and of their differences:    0.14

18.2.3 Life Tables [2018]

In an exercise in the previous session, you used the 22 [conditional] probabilities of dying within the (1, 4 or 5 year) age intervals shown in Table 3.9 of this Institut de la statistique du Quebec report to create a life table. The R code below goes a bit further, and creates an R function to interpolate and create a lifetable with increments of 1 year. This is turn allows you to use the inbuilt diff function to compute the 105 (unconditional) probabilities that a person in this fictional cohort will die in their y-th year, where y runs in steps of 1 , from 1st to 105th. Even though it isn't always the case, assume for thse exercises that the deaths occur in the middle of each age-bin. Also, assume that lifetimes don't extend past 105 i.e, so that the 105 probabilities add to 1 (check this!)

  1. Use these 105 probabilities to compute the (sex-specific) expected duration of life (or mean age at death, if you want to look at it the way the first actuaries did, when they called the tables Mortality Tables. Somewhere along the way, the name was switched to Life Tables.)
  2. Use these means, along with the probabilities, to calculate, from its definitional form, the (sex-specific) variance, and SD, of duration of life (age at death)
  3. It is a theorem in mathematical statistics that the area under the survival curve is the mean duration of life. Verify that this is so in this example, using two versions of the lifetable (i) the one computed from the 22 age-bins, and (ii) the interpolated one with 105.
  4. How does the L\(_x\) column in Table 3.9 relate to the calculations you made in (i)?
  5. Using the starter R code below, draw a sample of 100 lifetimes from one of the gender-specific 'cohorts', sort the lifelines, and plot them as horizontal lines. What pattern do you get if you up the number of lifelines, but can still 'see' the lines? What do these heuristics tell you about the theorem in mathematical statistics? If you want to see another version, look at this page. [8221 years lived by 100 persons; mean = 8221years/100persons = 1 82.21 years/person.]
  6. Consider 10 newborns (5 male and 5 female) from the fictitious cohort. Use simulation to compute the probability that, collectively, the total (or mean) of the 5 female lifetimes will exceed the total (or mean) of the 5 male lifetimes?
  7. Do you think there might be a faster (less computing-intensive) way to arrive at this probability? If so, would you have to make any assumptions, and how realistic would these assumtipons be? [BTW: statisticians who are nimble with convolutions would be able to provide an exact answer i.e., without Monte Carlo error]
22,2)  # 22 rows 2 columns

Age = c(1,5,seq(10,105,5) )

par(mfrow=c(1,1),mar = c(5,5,0,0)) 

     xlab="Age",ylab="Proportion Stll Alive",

Prob = matrix(NA,105,2)

Age.boundaries = c(0,Age)

for(i.col in 1:2) {  # F then M  loop = cumprod(           # cumulative product
          1 - SequentialRisks[,i.col] )
 Proportion.Alive = c(1,
 Risk = 1 - Proportion.Alive
 Risk = approx(Age.boundaries, Risk,0:105)$y
 Prob[,i.col] = diff(Risk) 

# Check: marginal totals of Prob
#        MARGIN=2: 1 sum for each column

## [1] 1 1
      # marginal totals of Prob
Ages = 0.5 : 104.5

sum( Ages * Prob[,1] ) # Males
## [1] 80.62743
# ..................   # Females

# code to plot 25 lifelines, sorted from shortest to longest 

# Note that these lifelines are drawn from a simplified 'fake' 
#  distribution, just to demonstrate the plotting. if you use the
# function with a large n, you will 'see' the shape of the S curve.

draw.from.2.str.lines.S.curve = 
   function(n=25, x=c(.90,60,105)){
  s1 = x[1]; t1 = x[2]; t2 = x[3]
  p = runif(n,0,1)
  t = (p >  s1)*t1*(p-s1)/(1-s1) + 
      (p <= s1)*(t1 + (t2-t1)*(s1-p)/s1 )


y.vals  =  1 - (1:n)/(n+1)

longevity = draw.from.2.str.lines.S.curve(n, 
longevity = sort(longevity)

segments(0, y.vals , longevity, y.vals, lwd=0.5, col="grey25")
Lifetables based on mortality rates of Quebec males (blue) and females(red) in 2018. See above for source of the data. The horizontal 'lifelines' are sorted by length, having been randomly drawn from a simplified survival distribution -- just to illustrate the use of the sort and segments functions in R.

Figure 18.3: Lifetables based on mortality rates of Quebec males (blue) and females(red) in 2018. See above for source of the data. The horizontal 'lifelines' are sorted by length, having been randomly drawn from a simplified survival distribution -- just to illustrate the use of the sort and segments functions in R.

18.2.4 Variable-length (parallel) parking spaces

When setting up parallel parking on city streets, and out of necessity if spaces have individual parking meters, many municipalities use painted rectangles of a fixed dimension. We haven't been able to find universal guidelines for these dimensions -- cities tend to adopt their own, such as the ones here.

Some authorities have pointed to a waste of space when these fixed-size spaces are used. Indeed JH has seen, in Melbourne, Australia, a street where drivers were asked to park in order, starting from the from end of a block, keeping just 1 metre from the car in front, until the entire block filled up.

To see how many additional cars can be accommodated by this scheme, let's compare how this system compares with a fixed-length box of 6.5 meters. Imagine a city block, 130 metres long, that contains \(N\) = 20 fixed-length parking spots. What if it were converted to the 'just fill up from the one end' system with no boundaries? See the example below.

To study this, we have used the most popular makes and models of cars in the UK car-registrations database (déjà vu). For each model, we were able to find its length (in mm) from this database. In instances where the length of a car model changed over time, to reduce the otherwise-lengthy programming and computer-intensive data-extraction, we selected a 'middle' length.

In the resulting data file, each of the 508 rows gives the make and the model, as well as its frequency in the car-registrations database, and its length in millimetres. [The datafile also contains the width, height and mass, which we will use elsewhere to investigate a 'body mass index' for cars]

  1. Read the data into an R dataframe.

  2. Select 25 cars randomly from the just-described frequency distribution, and determine whether, parked a meter apart, they fit into the 130-m long space. Repeat the simulation a sufficient number of times to approach the probablity that this system would provide at least 5 additional spaces.

  3. In a future exercise, we will approach this probability calculation by modelling rather than simulation. Can you imagine what model we will use? Hint: have a look at the distribution (over your simulations) of the total/mean length of 25 randomly selected cars.

  4. This same approach could be used to plan how many people it is safe to have in an elevator that can safely carry a load of say 1000 Km. Does it matter that the shape of the 'weight' distribution has a different shape than the car-lengths distribution? Are there any other factors that come into play here that not present in the car-sampling example? If they are, how will the affect the calculations?

  5. By the way, what shape does the car-lengths distribution have? How would you summarize the distribution?

  6. Suggest ways to measure/who the relation between car-length and popularity.

## 'data.frame':    508 obs. of  6 variables:
##  $ Make.Model   : chr  "ABARTH 500" "ABARTH 595" "ABARTH 695" "ABARTH PUNTO" ...
##  $ No.Registered: int  5561 16300 523 703 5059 2503 6444 2268 5327 27605 ...
##  $    : int  3657 3660 3660 4065 4170 4438 4661 4413 4643 4351 ...
##  $     : int  1627 1627 1627 1721 1729 1743 1830 1830 1873 1798 ...
##  $    : int  1485 1485 1485 1478 1442 1430 1422 1372 1436 1465 ...
##  $ Weight.Kg    : int  1085 1050 1050 1185 1185 1285 1540 1420 1349 1280 ...
# plot(ds$,log(ds$No.Registered),cex=0.5,pch=19)


Probs = ds$No.Registered/sum(ds$No.Registered)

VAR = sum( (LENGTHS-E.LENGTH)^2 * Probs )
SD = sqrt(VAR)

N = 20


for(n in 20:30){
 mu = mean=n*E.LENGTH + n-1 = pnorm(N*6.5,mean=mu,sd=sqrt(n)*SD)

par(mfrow=c(1,1),mar = c(5,5,0,0)) 

     xlab="Fixed-dimension Parking Spaces",
     ylab="Simulation No.",

abline(v=1/2 + 0:N,lwd=0.75,col="lightblue")


n = N

for(sim in 1:N.SIMS){
  lengths = sample(LENGTHS,size=n,prob=Probs)/W
  ends    = gaps+cumsum(lengths)
  starts  = ends - lengths
  arrows(starts+1/2, rep(sim,n), 
           ends+1/2, rep(sim,n),col="blue", 
           lwd =1.25,
           length=0.05,angle=20, code=1
  starts = 0:(n-1)
  ends    = starts+lengths
  arrows(starts+1/2, rep(sim-0.35,n), 
         lwd =1.25,
         length=0.05,angle=20, code=1)
30 simulations of the possible gains from using variable-length (parallel) parking spaces.  Shown are 20 fixed-length spaces, each of length 6.5m. In each simulation, 20 cars are selected randomly from the just-described frequency distribution, and their lengths are shown as red lines within the fixed-length parking spaces, and as blues lines, with 1m spacing, in the variable-length scheme.

Figure 18.4: 30 simulations of the possible gains from using variable-length (parallel) parking spaces. Shown are 20 fixed-length spaces, each of length 6.5m. In each simulation, 20 cars are selected randomly from the just-described frequency distribution, and their lengths are shown as red lines within the fixed-length parking spaces, and as blues lines, with 1m spacing, in the variable-length scheme.

18.2.5 Galton's data on family heights

The background to these data can be found here

So that he could combine the father's and mother's heights into a single 'mid-parent' height, against which to correlate the offspring height, Francis Galton was keen to establish that height plays a very small part in marriage selection.

Here are the heights of 205 sets of parents, with families numbered 1-135, 136A, 136-204. They are takem directly from his notebook. [See JH's notes on why 7 families are ommitted. Several authors have since extracted the data from JH's webiste, but some (e.g. the authors of the mosaic package) extracted the incomplete version. The Galton dataset in the HistData package has all of the families.]

  1. Categorize each father's height into one of 3 subgroups (shortest 1/4, middle 1/2, tallest 1/4). Do likewise for mothers. Then, as Galton did, obtain the 2-way frequency distribution and visually assess whether you agree with the conclusion "we may therefor regard... " he draws following his Table 9

  2. Calculate the variance Var[F] and Var[M] of the fathers' [F] and mothers' [M] heights respectively. Then create a new variable consisting of the sum of F and M, and calculate Var[F+M]. Comment. Galton called this a "shrewder" test than the "ruder" (coarser) one he used in 1. If the two were unrelated (this is a stronger quality than 'uncorrelated'), what would you expect? If the variance of the sum is greater than the sum of the variances of the parts, what does it suggest.

  3. What if he had subtracted them and calculated the variance of the differences?

  4. When Galton first analyzed these data in 1885-1886, Galton and Pearson hadn't yet invented the correlation coefficient. Calculate this coefficient and see how it compares with your impressions in 1 and 2.

  5. Compare this correlation with the correlation between parental ages in the Penrose dataset.

18.2.6 Height differences of random M-F pairs

Some new-to-statistics (and even some not so new-to) students reason that because the average male is 4-5 inches taller than the average female, the heights of randomly formed M-F pairs would be positively correlated.

  1. In Galton's parental data, in how many of the couples was the man the taller member of the couple?

  2. If you scrambled his data, so as to pair a random father with a random mother, how often would this be the case? you would need to do it several times to get a sense of the proportion.

  3. Explain to these new-to-statistics students why their high correlation based on 4-5 inch average difference is not correct.

  4. Instead of simulating this probability, how otherwsie would you arrive at the probability/propprtion? If you chose to use a 'model', to do so, address the issue of how critical your assumptions are, and whether this approach is robust.

  5. data from NHIS on this topic

  6. caveats.

  7. why did Pearson get correlations that were so much stronger.

18.2.7 Same-sex or opposite-sex?

This 4-panel exercise is modelled on one JH used in the 607 course in 2001, but now using data from all US births in 2018

The data are in this data.frame, and shown in 4 panels numbered A-D. The birthweights within a panel pertain to infants of the same sex, but different panels may pertain to different sexes.

## 'data.frame':    400 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ Panel      : chr  "A" "A" "A" "A" ...
##  $ Birthweight: int  2809 2186 2607 3231 3484 2836 863 3329 3628 3551 ...
Birthweights of US males and females born in 2018. In each panel, each entry is one of the 100 (sex-specific) quantiles Q0.5%, Q1.5%,  Q2.5%, Q49.5%, Q50.5%, etc, up to Q99.5%, so you can think of it as representing 1 percent of the births of that sex. In each panel, the Q's are scrambled.

Figure 18.5: Birthweights of US males and females born in 2018. In each panel, each entry is one of the 100 (sex-specific) quantiles Q0.5%, Q1.5%, Q2.5%, Q49.5%, Q50.5%, etc, up to Q99.5%, so you can think of it as representing 1 percent of the births of that sex. In each panel, the Q's are scrambled.

By eye, by comparing all the entries in one panel with all of those in another, you may be able to discern if two panels have different means (or medians). But what can you conclude if you take just a sample from each of 2 panels and perform a formal null hypothesis test using the difference in the sample means or the sample medians, or the ranks?

In 2001, students were asked to perform tests of the following 4 (obviously overlapping, so not completely independent) contrasts:

  1. \(\mu_A\) vs. \(\mu_B\) \(\quad\) 2. \(\mu_C\) vs. \(\mu_D\) \(\quad\) 3. \(\mu_A\) vs. \(\mu_D\) \(\quad\) 4. \(\mu_B\) vs. \(\mu_C\)

They were asked to use new (fresh, independent) samples of size \(n\) = 4 and \(n\) = 4 for each of the 4 tests.

These sample sizes will (rightly) strike you as being much too small to reliably distinguish two populations whose means are not that far apart. Indeed, most of the students in 2001 were unable to correctly identify the opposite-sex panels

But, when it comes to distinguishing same-sex panels from opposite-sex panels of adult heights, most of the students in 2001 were able to correctly identify the opposite-sex panels, with only a few mistaking the same-sex panels for opposite-sex ones [we are in charge of controlling the latter errors, whereas (with \(n\) fixed) Nature is in charge of the success rate with the former].

Although it isn't realistic, students -- like so many textbooks start with -- were told that the Population Standard Deviation (\(\sigma\)) was known. The main reason for being allowed this 'inside knowledge' (typically reserved for Gods and Oracles) was that it made the computation of the (z-) test statistic easier: students only had compute the two sample means, easily done by hand, and avoided having to compute sample standard deviations. [It also fits with the practice of teaching the simpler z-tests, with their fixed quantiles, first, and then moving to the sample-size-dependent t-based quantiles later]. For now, we will do the same, but later will also go on and carry out real-world tests that don't rely on 'inside' information about standard deviations. [After all, if you know the Population Standard Deviation, then you must already know the Population Mean.]

'ARITHMETIC' of Testing if panels '1' and '2' have same mean

  • Null Hypothesis: H\(_0: \ \mu_1 = \mu_2\) [same sex, or, technically speaking, same mean]

  • Alternative Hypothesis H\(_{alt}: \mu_1 \ne \mu_2\) [different means, thus opposite sexes]

  • Data: sample means \(\bar{y}_1\) and \(\bar{y}_2,\) bases on sample sizes \(n_1\) and \(n_2\)

  • Test Statistic: \[z = (\bar{y}_1- \bar{y}_2) / SD[\bar{y}_1 - \bar{y}_2],\] where \[SD[\bar{y}_1 - \bar{y}_2] = \sqrt{\sigma^2_1/n_1 + \sigma^2_2/n_2} \ .\]

  • Probability, P that, under \(H_0\), the test statistic would exceed the absolute value of the observed \(z\) statistic. [the absolute value is used when H\(_{alt}\) is '2-sided'.]

  • Pre-specified probability, \(\alpha\), below which H\(_0\) is 'rejected'. [by convention, it is often taken to be 0.05; we will use \(\alpha\) = 0.10, so that our simulations are almost sure to yield some 'false positives']

In the case where \(n_1 = n_2 = 4\), and \(\sigma_1\) and \(\sigma_2\) are known, we can work out ahead of time what minimum difference between \(\bar{y}_1\) and \(\bar{y}_2\) would lead us to reject the null (same-sex, or same mean) hypothesis. With \(\alpha\) = 0.10, the 'critical value of \(z\) is \(\pm\) 1.645, i.e, the two sample means would need to be at least 1.645 \(\times SD[\bar{y}_1 - \bar{y}_2]\) apart.

In this simplified and somewhat unrealistic example, where we don't know if we are in the same-sex or opposite sex scenario, we don't know whether we should use \(\sigma_F\) = 574 grams and \(\sigma_M\) = 600 grams, or 574 and 574, or 601 and 601. So we will use a 'compromise' \(\sigma_1\) = \(\sigma_2\) = 587. Substituting these into the \(SD[\bar{y}_1 - \bar{y}_2]\) formula yields an SD of \(\sqrt{587^2/4 + 587^2/4}\) = 415 grams. Thus the critical distance between the two sample means needs to be 1.645 \(\times\) 415 = 683 grams.

For interest, here is what the critical distance would be for other sample sizes: \(n_1 = n_2 = 16:\) 341 grams;  \(n_1 = n_2 = 64:\) 171 grams;  \(n_1 = n_2 = 256:\) 85 grams. [Notice the root of n law in action.]

Whereas, as an individual 'investigator', you might be luck or unlucky in which of the 4 comparisons you get right, the real issue is the probabilities of getting them right. In 2001 JH had each student in the large 607 class try to distinguish the panels, and he tabulated their results so that we can get a better sense of what these probabilities are. And better still, in 2020, you alone can use the computer to get an even better sense.

We will use the same 2 x 2 table used in 2001, where the 2 rows are the 2 truths, i.e, the comparions was in fact a same-sex or opposite-sex comparison, and the 2 columns are the two possible 'results' of the statistical test, i.e., it was 'negative', with a P-value \(\ge\) 0.1, (the diffrence in the sample means was not 'statistically significant') ; or 'positive' with a P-value \(<\) 0.1, the difference was 'statistically significant', large enough that the null hypothesis of same-sex populations (same-population-means) was 'rejected'.

When you review each test result, you can only classify it by column, by 'negative' or 'positive'. And in real life, that would be as far as you can go, since your are not privy to the 'truth'. But, here, we have the luxury of knowing which comparisons are of each type, so we can cross-classify the results, and also examine the average performance of these tests over many may applications. In this way, we get a feel for the probabilities that they will perfrtom they way we want them to, and can see how the probabilities are modified by the amount of effort (sample size) we are willing to employ, as well as how small/large a signal, and how small/large the noise, we are up against.

So, for now, in your one set of 4 hand-worked examples, you can put the 4 test results into two columns. Below, when we will do a large number of tests, we will reveal which comparisons are of which type, so you can doubly-classify them.


  1. For each of the 4 contrasts listed above, use a 'reproducible' random selection method to choose 4 infants from each of the two specified panels. [Note: since each entry represents almost 200,000 infects, the sampling from the 100 values (quantiles) should be with replacement. This may not matter a lot when you are sampling just 4 infants, but if you were sampling 16 or 64 or 256, it would matter]. For each contrast, compute the difference between the sample means and note whether it was a 'statistically significant' difference (i.e. one of 683 grams or more. These 4 'test tesults' can be the first entries in your 2 x 2 table below, once the identity of each 4 panel (the 'truth') is revealed.

(2-way) distribution of results of statistical tests [columns] in relation to real situations[rows]

Test Result Total
'Negative' 'Positive'
\(P \ge 0.1\) \(P \lt 0.1\)
SAME-SEX \(number\) \(number\)
OPPOSITE \(number\) \(number\)
......... ......... .........
TOTAL \(no._{neg.}\) \(no._{pos.}\) TOTAL

The following R code can simulate the results obtained by many many investigators. For now, the 'many' is just 40, close to the numbers performed by students in 2001. Although this number can only give a rough idea, using sample sizes of size 4 doesn't look that promising! No matter which contrast, only about 10% of the statistical tests are 'positive'. Since we set the \(\alpha\) value, we expect that about 10% of tests are positive when we are testing two same-sex panels, but we would hope that a far greater % would be positive when we are testing opposite-sex panels.

SimulateOppositeSexTests= function(Values,
        n.simulated.investigations = 40, 
        n = 4,
        SD.individuals = 583,
        contrasts = 
          t(matrix(c("A","B", "C","D","A","D","B","C"),2,4)) ) {
   n.contrasts = dim(contrasts)[1]

   # n.simulated.investigations   per contrast  *** MODIFY ***
   # n =  sample size from each of 2 contrasted panels *** MODIFY ***

   results = matrix(NA,n.simulated.investigations,n.contrasts)
   alpha=0.10 # set by us

   # SD.individuals = xxx,  not usual to KNOW the population SD

   SD.Mean.diff = SD.individuals * sqrt(1/n+1/n) # variance(diff) = Sum of Vars. 

   critical.diff = abs( qnorm(alpha/2) * SD.Mean.diff )
   #print( aggregate(Values, by=list(P=ds$Panel), mean) )
   #print( aggregate(Values, by=list(P=ds$Panel), sd) )
   for(i in 1:n.simulated.investigations){
        for (j in 1:n.contrasts){
              pair = contrasts[j,]
              sample.mean = rep(NA,2)
              for(pair.member in 1:2){
                    all.values.this.panel = Values[
                         ds$Panel==pair[pair.member] ]
                    sample.mean[pair.member] = 
                         mean( sample(x=all.values.this.panel, 
                            size=n, replace = TRUE)    )
              difference = sample.mean[1] - sample.mean[2] 
              sig.difference = ( abs(difference) > critical.diff )
              results[i,j] = sig.difference
         } # end of contrasts
    } # end of investigation

    txt = paste("/",toString(n.simulated.investigations))

    DIGITS = ceiling(log(n.simulated.investigations,base=10))
    positives = format( apply(results,2,sum), digits = DIGITS)
    cat(paste("samples of size:",toString(n)))  

    noquote( cbind( contrasts[,1],rep(" vs. ",n.contrasts),
                contrasts[,2], rep("  ",n.contrasts), positives,
                rep(txt,n.contrasts)  ) )

} # end function
        n.simulated.investigations = 50, 
        n = 4,
        SD.individuals = 583,
        contrasts = 
          t(matrix(c("A","B", "C","D","A","D","B","C"),2,4)))
## samples of size: 4
##                   positives     
## [1,] A  vs.  B    4         / 50
## [2,] C  vs.  D    6         / 50
## [3,] A  vs.  D    7         / 50
## [4,] B  vs.  C    2         / 50

Exercises - continued

  1. Cross-classify the above results into the following 2 x 2 table, knowing which pairs of panels are same-sex and which are opposite-sex to tell you which row of the table a contrast belong to.

  2. Run the R code yourself, but with a much larger number of simulated investigations. Cross-classify your results. Even though you know there must be some non-zero difference in the sex-specific means population means, why are the results so dismal? See also the results in 2001.

  3. How much better is the performance if you increase the \(n\) to 64? 256?

(2-way) distribution of results of statistical tests [columns] in relation to real situations[rows]

Test Result Total
'Negative' 'Positive'
\(P \ge 0.1\) \(P \lt 0.1\)
SAME-SEX \(number\) \(number\)
OPPOSITE \(number\) \(number\)
......... ......... .........
TOTAL \(no._{neg.}\) \(no._{pos.}\) TOTAL

Exercises - continued


The following panels are 100 sex-specific quantiles of weight (kg) of the US Population aged 20-29 years in 2007 to 2008, based on NHANES surveys. JH used interpolation (and a small bit of extrapolation at the lower edges) to create the 100 quantiles, \(Q_{0.005}\), \(Q_{0.015}\), \(\dots\) \(Q_{0.995}\).

Aagin, they are identified as A-D, with the weights within a panel pertain to 20-29 year olds of the same sex, but different panels may pertain to different sexes. The layout is not necessarily the same as it was above for birthweights!

  1. Cross-classify the above results into the following 2 x 2 table, knowing which pairs of panels are same-sex and which are opposite-sex to tell you which row of the table a contrast belong to.
## 'data.frame':    400 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ Panel    : chr  "A" "A" "A" "A" ...
##  $ Weight.Kg: num  62.5 47.5 113.5 149.5 108.5 ...
Measured weights of US males and females aged 20-29 in 2007-2008. In each panel, each entry is one of the 100 (sex-specific) quantiles Q0.5%, Q1.5%,  Q2.5%, Q49.5%, Q50.5%, etc, up to Q99.5%, so you can think of it as representing 1 percent of the population of that sex. In each panel, the Q's are scrambled, and 'jittered'.

Figure 18.6: Measured weights of US males and females aged 20-29 in 2007-2008. In each panel, each entry is one of the 100 (sex-specific) quantiles Q0.5%, Q1.5%, Q2.5%, Q49.5%, Q50.5%, etc, up to Q99.5%, so you can think of it as representing 1 percent of the population of that sex. In each panel, the Q's are scrambled, and 'jittered'.

By eye, by comparing all the entries in one panel with all of those in another, you can readily tell if two panels have different means (or medians). But what can you conclude if you take just a sample of size 4 from each of 2 panels and perform a formal null hypothesis test using the difference in the sample means or the sample medians, or the ranks?

Exercises - continued

Your are asked to perform tests of the following 4 contrasts:

  1. \(\mu_A\) vs. \(\mu_C\) \(\quad\) 2. \(\mu_B\) vs. \(\mu_D\) \(\quad\) 3. \(\mu_A\) vs. \(\mu_D\) \(\quad\) 4. \(\mu_B\) vs. \(\mu_C\)

using new (fresh, independent) samples of size \(n\) = 4 and \(n\) = 4 for each of the 4 tests.

  • NB: 1 and 2 are not the same as 1 and 2 for birthweight above.
  1. Start by manually performing the 4 tests. Begin by calculating what the critical distance between the two sample means needs to be. Use a 'common' \(\sigma\) = 21.4 Kg for each sex. [Again, it should be obvious why having this 'insider' information is not realistic! It is just to simplify the test to its essentials; later, in practice, we will use 'plug-in' values instead of the 'real' \(\sigma\) and use a larger (\(n\)-based) multiplier to allow for using 'estimated', and thus 'uncertain', \(\sigma\)'s.] How confident are you in the results of these tests? (Remember, you KNOW that males are heavier than females; that is 'prior' information that the test doesn't know: it just uses the data you give it.)

  2. Run the same R code you ran above, with a large number of simulated investigations. In real life, you don't get to see 'what might have been'; you just get to see the one pair of samples you selected. But here the (simulated) 'long-run' perfomance gives you sense of how sensitive your test procedure is [you already know how specific it is, by your choice of \(\alpha\)]. Then, using this key cross-classify your results. How much better did the test do here, than it did with birthweights? Even though the \(n\)'s are still just 4 each, why are they better?

        n.simulated.investigations = 50, 
        n = 4,
        SD.individuals = 21.4,
        contrasts = 
          t(matrix(c("A","C", "B","D","A","D","B","C"),2,4)))
## samples of size: 4
##                   positives     
## [1,] A  vs.  C     9        / 50
## [2,] B  vs.  D     8        / 50
## [3,] A  vs.  D    13        / 50
## [4,] B  vs.  C     5        / 50


ds = read.table(
## 'data.frame':    400 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ Panel    : chr  "A" "A" "A" "A" ...
##  $ int  175 173 168 181 186 189 179 171 161 169 ...
Measured heights (in cm) of US males and females aged 20-29 in 2007-2008. In each panel, each entry is one of the 100 (sex-specific) quantiles Q0.5%, Q1.5%,  Q2.5%, Q49.5%, Q50.5%, etc, up to Q99.5%, so you can think of it as representing 1 percent of the population of that sex. In each panel, the Q's are scrambled.

Figure 18.7: Measured heights (in cm) of US males and females aged 20-29 in 2007-2008. In each panel, each entry is one of the 100 (sex-specific) quantiles Q0.5%, Q1.5%, Q2.5%, Q49.5%, Q50.5%, etc, up to Q99.5%, so you can think of it as representing 1 percent of the population of that sex. In each panel, the Q's are scrambled.

Here are the test results

        n.simulated.investigations = 50, 
        n = 4,
        SD.individuals = 7.3,
        contrasts = 
          t(matrix(c("A","C", "B","D","A","D","B","C"),2,4)))
## samples of size: 4
##                   positives     
## [1,] A  vs.  C     9        / 50
## [2,] B  vs.  D     5        / 50
## [3,] A  vs.  D    32        / 50
## [4,] B  vs.  C    32        / 50

Exercises - continued

  1. Using the (common) SD of 7.3 cm, carry out 4 manually-calculated tests of the same 4 contrasts as for adult weights.

  2. (although the computer-simulated ones are giving you a sense that height is a more sensitive distinguisher/separator of the sexes than adult weight is, carry out a larger set of simulated tests to be sure.

  3. Statistically speaking, why is height a more sensitive distinguisher/separator of the sexes? Hint: how far apart are the mean heights (a) in cms (b) as a percentage of the SD of the individuals of a given sex? What are the corresponding perecenatges in the case of birthweights? adult weights? What we are fetting at here is the signal-to-noise ratio or Effect Size \[ \frac{Signal}{Noise} = \frac{\mu_1 - \mu_2}{\sigma}.\]

  4. In 2001, when it came to distinguishing same-sex panels from opposite-sex panels of adult heights, a clear majority (63/76) of the students were able to correctly identify the opposite-sex panels, with only a few (8/75) mistaking the same-sex panels for opposite-sex ones. To try to answer why we do not do as well with our data, compute the sex-specific means and SD's of the 100 quantiles, and compare the effect sizes with those in 2001. You might also make boxplots to see if the shapes of the data differ [JH doesn't remember how he made the 100 values in 2001, but for sure the ones above are closer to the real shapes.] To save you manually extracting them, the data from 2001 can be found here.

  5. Statistically speaking, why are the 'false positive rates' about the same with the new data and the 2001 data. Hint: Who determines them?

  6. Biologically speaking, why is adult height a more sensitive distinguisher/separator of the sexes than adult weight? Hint: think about the relative roles of Nature and Nurture -- and while you are on this topic, look up the origins of the Nature versus Nurture phrase.

18.2.8 Box minus bowl

18.2.9 car parking fixed and variable

18.2.10 Correcting length-biased sampling


18.3 Other Exercises (under construction)


Variation with and without constraints Pearson vs Fisher

Ice Breakup Dates

Here are some details on the Nenana Ice Classic More here

18.3.1 The 2018 Book of Guesses

We are keen to establish the distribution of guesses, with the guessed times measured from midnight on December 31, 2017. Thus a guess of April 06, at 5:15 p.m. would be measured as 31 + 28 + 31 + 5 + 12/24 + (5+ 15/60)/24 = 95.71875 days into the year 2018.

It would be tedious to apply optical character recognition (OCR) to each of the 1210 pages in order to be able to computerize all 240,000 guesses. Instead, you are asked to reconstruct the distribution of the guesses in two more economical ways:

  • By determining, for (the beginning of) each day, from April 01 to June 01 inclusive, the proportion, p, of guesses that predede that date. [ In R, if p = 39.6% of the guesses were below 110 days, we would write this as pGuessDistribution(110) = 0.396. Thus, if we were dealing with the location of a value in a Gaussian ('normal') distribution, we would write pnorm(q=110, mean = , sd = ) ] Once you have determined them, plot these 62 p's (on the vertical axis) against the numbers of elapsed days (90-152) on the horizontal axis.

  • By determining the 1st, 2nd, ... , 98th, 99th percentiles. These are specific examples of 'quantiles', or q's. The q-th quantile is the value (here the elapsed number of days since the beginning of 2018) such that a proportion q of all values are below this value, and 1-q are above it. [ In R, if 40% of the guesses were below 110.2 days, we would write this as qGuessDistribution(p=0.4) = 110.2 days. Thus, if we were dealing with the 40th percentile of a Gaussian distribution with mean 130 and standard deviation 15, we would write qnorm(p=0.4, mean = 130, sd = 15). ] Once you have determined them, plot the 99 p's (on the vertical axis) against the 99 (elapsed) times on the horizontal axis.

  • Compare the Q\(_{25}\), Q\(_{50}\), and Q\(_{75}\) obtained directly with the ones obtained by interpolation of the curve showing the results of the other method.

  • Compare the directly-obtained proportions of guesses that are before April 15, April 30, and May 15 with the ones obtained by interpolation of the curve showing the results of the other method.

  • By successive subtractions, calculate the numbers of guesses in each 1-day bin, and make a histogram of them. From them, calculate the mean, the mode, and the standard deviation.

To measure the spread of guesses, Galton, in his vox populi (wisdom of crowds) article, began with the interquartile range (IQR), i.e. the distance between Q75 and Q25, the 3rd and 1st quartiles. In any distribution, 1/2 the values are within what was called the 'probable error (PE) of the mean; i.e., it is equally probable that a randomly selected value would be inside or outside this middle-50 interval. Today, we use standard deviation (SD) instead of probable error. In a Gaussian distribution, some 68% of values are within 1 SD of the mean, whereas 50% of values are within 1 PE of the mean. We can use R to figure out how big a PE is in a Gaussian distribution compared with a SD. By setting the SD to 1, and the eman to 0, we have

Q75 = qnorm(p = 0.75, mean=0, sd=1)
## [1] 0.67

i.e, a PE is roughtly 2/3rds of a SD.

  • Galton -- convert to SD.

  • Geometric mean Amsterdam study

  • How far off was the median guess in 2018 from the actual time? Answer in days, and (with reservations stated) as a percentage?

  • Why did the experts at the country fair do so much better?

  • Where were the punters in 2019 wrt the actual ?

[Nenana Ice Classic]

Tanana River